AmCham Member Deloitte Armenia CJSC Organized an Event on Transfer Pricing Regulation in Armenia


On 13th of June Deloitte Armenia, the Armenian office Deloitte, the worldwide leader in the sphere of audit and consulting service organized an event dedicated to the Transfer Pricing regulation in Armenia. The main aim of the event was introduction of main concepts of the Transfer Pricing, presentation of the international practice and discussion of the further developments in Transfer Pricing regulation in Armenia.

Alexey Sobchuk, Director of Transfer pricing service in Deloitte Russia and former Deputy Head of Transfer Pricing department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, presented the main provision of OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines and main risks related to Transfer Pricing mismatch.

Alexander Yampolskyi, Leader of Transfer pricing services in Deloitte Ukraine, presented specifics of the Transfer Pricing regulation and judicial practice in Ukraine.

During the event Nairuhi Avetisyan, Head of Transfer Pricing and Tax Cooperation division of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia, presented the vision of the tax authorities on the Transfer Pricing regulation.

Transfer Pricing regulation will enter the force from January 1, 2020.